Sophie’s Scribbles

Just another Edublogs site

20% Project Week One: Balloon Animals


This week was amazing and I accomplished quite a bit. I watched and read tutorials on how to create some simple balloon figures, and eventually created an animal that resembles a dog and not a weird mess of twists in a balloon. This was also my failure. At first, twisting the balloon was difficult and I kept forgetting to hold the twists until they were done, which made it difficult to finish the dog. Another failure I had was with tying a knot on the end of the balloon so as not to let the air out. I did not tie it tight enough, so one f the dog snouts became deflated overnight. However, one turned out okay. I will also change my schedule because I am making progress more quickly than I expected. I may attempt to create a giraffe, which has the base of the dog but is still different. Next week, I will learn how to make some more complex figures in class and apply the steps when I arrive home.


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